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The importance of Magnesium

The ultimate sleep remedy

Magnesium is a nutrient the body needs to stay healthy. Magnesium is important for many processes in the body, including regulating muscle and nerve function, blood sugar levels, and blood pressure and making protein, bone, and DNA.

Many people in our Western world aren't getting enough Magnesium from their diet alone. Common foods like sugar and caffeine depletes our body's magnesium levels. 

Symptoms of low Magnesium

  1. You struggle to sleep.
    Taking magnesium right before going to bed may prevent or treat insomnia, as it’s a symptom of magnesium deficiency. Magnesium has also been found to improve quality of sleep because deficiency may reduce the length or quantity of Slow-Wave Sleep (Magnesium is required for optimal Slow-Wave Sleep).
  2. You often experience cramp.
    Muscle Cramps and ticks (especially the eyelids and hands), weakness and muscle tension are some of the most common symptoms experienced as a result of Magnesium deficiency. Have you ever experienced muscle cramps in your legs or foot after a heavy session at the gym?  In saying that, you don’t have to be a total gym bunny to experience cramps from lacking magnesium. Other causes that deplete the body of magnesium are high stress levels.  When you’re under stress, the excretion of magnesium from the diet is equal to what is going in; so there is a high demand for magnesium.
  3. You’re prone to getting migraines.
    Migraine headaches may occur as a result of low levels of magnesium in the brain. Many sufferers are found to have low brain magnesium levels during migraine attacks. Supplementing with dosages of up to 600 mg per day may be beneficial for the treatment of migraine headaches.
  4. You’re lethargic and irritable during the day.
    Feeling ‘always tired’ is not only frustrating; but could be a sign of magnesium deficiency. Magnesium can facilitate energy production by enhancing the conversion of serum Glucose to Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) by transferring the necessary Phosphorus molecule to the ATP molecule. In plain English – keeping your magnesium levels in check will keep you going. Irritability and nervousness may occur as a result of magnesium deficiency and supplementing with magnesium will often alleviate nervousness and reduce anxiety.
  5. You experience twitching eye- lids.
    Magnesium deficiency may be the underlying cause of muscular tics (one of the first signs of magnesium deficiency is Blepharospasm or tics of the eyelids). Supplementing with magnesium may alleviate these by improving the electric conduct of nerve impulses at the junctions between the nerves and muscles.
  6. You’re affected by osteoporosis.
    We all know magnesium is important for muscular health, but it is also interesting to note the importance of magnesium for bone health. Osteoporosis may occur as a result of Magnesium deficiency and women afflicted with Osteoporosis have been shown to have significantly lower Bone Magnesium than healthy women. It’s hugely important to bone health as up to 64% of the body's Magnesium is concentrated in the bones.
  7. You suffer from asthma.
    Did you know that Asthma may occur as a result of magnesium deficiency? Magnesium may reduce the bronchoconstriction associated with Asthma by relaxing the smooth muscle around the bronchial tubes.
  8. You’re particularly irritable at that time of the month.
    Did you know that menstruation may deplete your magnesium levels? Upping your intake of magnesium may alleviate irritability, fatigue, depression and edema associated with Pre-Menstrual Syndrome (PMS). This form of PMS is known as PMS-C (Cravings).
  9. You’ve suffered from morning sickness.
    Women who experience morning sickness are often found to have abnormally low magnesium levels, indicating that deficient levels may be a contributing factor.
  10. Or a prostate disorder?
    Magnesium deficiency may cause premature ejaculation and deficiency could actually be an underlying cause of chronic prostatitis and prostate disorders.

Why Magnesium balm?
When applied to the skin, magnesium is absorbed through the skin and directly into the tissue and cells, bypassing the gastrointestinal tract. Some research suggests that transdermal magnesium application may have a higher absorbency rate than magnesium supplements or magnesium from food sources. Especially if a person is having gastrointestinal problems, which would make it more difficult to absorb all the nutrients coming from food. 


I add lavender to my magnesium balm due to its highly calming effect. Lavender has been shown to affect the parasympathetic nervous system. The parasympathetic nervous system controls bodily processes associated with anxiety, such as heart rate, breathing rhythm, and hormone secretion. Lavender can help in regulating these bodily processes by restoring a neutral state.

My own handmade Magnesium balm

I make my own Magnesium Balms, and I've just started selling them. With the all natural ingredients, it is vegan and allergy friendly. Get your hands on one here! These would make perfect Christmas presents to your loved ones. What's better then gifting someone a better night's sleep?!


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